How is the Adsorption Process Applied to H2S Removal from Natural Gas?

HS is a poisonous gas produced as a by-product of the natural gas industry. It is often found in concentrations that exceed safety limits set by federal and state regulators. The HS removal process begins with the injection of adsorbents into the gas stream. The adsorbents are designed to interact with the HS molecules and remove them from the gas stream. For more information about H2S removal from natural gas you can visit this site:

The adsorbent will also remove other pollutants, such as CO2, SO2, and NOx. The purified gas stream is then passed through a scrubber to remove any remaining pollutants. The HS removal process is similar to the Adsorption , and Separation processes. However, unlike these other processes, the adsorbents used with HS removal are custom-made for this application. This means that they meet the stringent requirements needed to be successful in removing toxic H2S from natural gas. 

In addition to the cost-effective nature of using adsorbents, specially-designed adsorbents make the process more environmentally friendly. The use of these adsorbents also reduces the cost of removing H2S from natural gas by removing other unwanted chemicals in the gas stream. However, if the gas contains more than 3% H2S, the HS removal process is more efficient at removing this toxic gas than a traditional high-pressure SF6 adsorption process.  

These heavy metals are removed from the natural gas stream in the high-temperature adsorption step of the invention. The heavy metal content in the crude natural gas is thus reduced by a factor of several thousand fold during this process, which improves the overall removal efficiency.